Why do we need so much information?

This information is used to send kit materials to the recipient family. The information you provide is used solely by Tiny Handprints – we never sell or share information with third parties. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

Child’s Name:
The child’s name will be engraved on the keepsake gift sent out to the recipient family in Part II of the kit.

Approximate Date of Loss:
Our kit materials are most effective when sent at significant times (x weeks after the loss) during the first year of the grief process. This information is used to calculate when certain materials should be sent out to the recipient family.

Number of Surviving Siblings:
This information used to determine the number of children’s books (if any) to be sent to the recipient family.

Requestor’s E-mail:
The requestor’s e-mail (if different than the recipient’s) will only be used if there is a problem with the information submitted (i.e. mailed returned to us for incorrect/insufficient address).